Ancient Wars Sparta Maps

Contents.Sparta was a warrior society in ancient Greece that reached the height of its power after defeating rival city-state Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.). Spartan culture was centered on loyalty to the state and military service. At age 7, Spartan boys entered a rigorous state-sponsored education, military training and socialization program. Known as the Agoge, the system emphasized duty, discipline and endurance. Although Spartan women were not active in the military, they were educated and enjoyed more status and freedom than other Greek women. Because Spartan men were professional soldiers, all manual labor was done by a slave class, the Helots.

Despite their military prowess, the Spartans’ dominance was short-lived: In 371 B.C., they were defeated by Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra, and their empire went into a long period of decline. Spartan SocietySparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was an ancient Greek city-state located primarily in the present-day region of southern Greece called Laconia. The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartiates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither slaves nor citizens. The Perioeci, whose name means “dwellers-around,” worked as craftsmen and traders, and built weapons for the Spartans. The Helots, whose name means “captives,” were fellow Greeks, originally from Laconia and Messenia, who had been conquered by the Spartans and turned into slaves. The Spartans’ way of life would not have been possible without the Helots, who handled all the day-to-day tasks and unskilled labor required to keep society functioning: They were farmers, domestic servants, nurses and military attendants.Spartans, who were outnumbered by the Helots, often treated them brutally and oppressively in an effort to prevent uprisings.

Ancient Wars: Sparta - World Forge Legends v.1.10f - Game mod - Download. The file World Forge Legends v.1.10f is a modification for Ancient Wars: Sparta, a(n) strategy game. Download for free. File type Game mod. File size 1682.5 MB. Last update Sunday, February 2, 2020. Downloads 2619. Downloads (7 days) 30. Ancient Wars: Sparta. World Forge Play Ten Interactive Released 2007. Ancient Wars: Sparta is a RTS which takes place during 500-450 BC period, which recreates the battles of Spartans, Persians and Egyptians for Little Asia, Europe and North Africa. The single player campaign is divided between the 3 aforementioned races totalling 27 missions.

Spartans would humiliate the Helots by doing such things as forcing them to get debilitatingly drunk on wine and then make fools of themselves in public. (This practice was also intended to demonstrate to young people how an adult Spartan should never act, as self-control was a prized trait.) Methods of mistreatment could be far more extreme: Spartans were allowed to kill Helots for being too smart or too fit, among other reasons. The Spartan MilitaryUnlike such Greek city-states as Athens, a center for the arts, learning and philosophy, Sparta was centered on a warrior culture. Male Spartan citizens were allowed only one occupation: solider. Indoctrination into this lifestyle began early.

Spartan boys started their military training at age 7, when they left home and entered the Agoge. The boys lived communally under austere conditions. They were subjected to continual physical, competitions (which could involve violence), given meager rations and expected to become skilled at stealing food, among other survival skills.

The teenage boys who demonstrated the most leadership potential were selected for participation in the Crypteia, which acted as a secret police force whose primary goal was to terrorize the general Helot population and murder those who were troublemakers. At age 20, Spartan males became full-time soldiers, and remained on active duty until age 60.The Spartans’ constant military drilling and discipline made them skilled at the ancient Greek style of fighting in a phalanx formation. In the phalanx, the army worked as a unit in a close, deep formation, and made coordinated mass maneuvers.

No one soldier was considered superior to another. Going into battle, a Spartan soldier, or hoplite, wore a large bronze helmet, breastplate and ankle guards, and carried a round shield made of bronze and wood, a long spear and sword. Spartan warriors were also known for their long hair and red cloaks.

Spartan Women and MarriageSpartan women had a reputation for being independent-minded, and enjoyed more freedoms and power than their counterparts throughout ancient Greece. While they played no role in the military, female Spartans often received a formal education, although separate from boys and not at boarding schools. In part to attract mates, females engaged in athletic competitions, including javelin-throwing and wrestling, and also sang and danced competitively. As adults, Spartan women were allowed to own and manage property.

Additionally, they were typically unencumbered by domestic responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning and making clothing, tasks which were handled by the helots. Marriage was important to Spartans, as the state put pressure on people to have male children who would grow up to become citizen-warriors, and replace those who died in battle. Men who delayed marriage were publically shamed, while those who fathered multiple sons could be rewarded.In preparation for marriage, Spartan women had their heads shaved; they kept their hair short after they wed. Married couples typically lived apart, as men under 30 were required to continue residing in communal barracks. In order to see their wives during this time, husbands had to sneak away at night. Decline of the SpartansIn 371 B.C., Sparta suffered a catastrophic defeat at the hands of the Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra. In a further blow, late the following year, Thebangeneral Epaminondas (c.418 B.C.-362B.C.)led an invasion into Spartan territory and oversaw the liberation of the Messenian Helots, who had been enslaved by the Spartans for several centuries.

The Spartans would continue to exist, although as a second-rate power in a long period of decline. In 1834,Otto (1815-67), the king of Greece, ordered thefounding of the modern-daytown of Spartion the site of ancient Sparta.

Ancient wars sparta igg

Ancient Wars: Sparta is based upon Mediterranean historical events that took place between 500 and 450 B.C. Single-players entering the campaign must take the role of three different nationalities as they attempt to complete the game. Playing as the Spartans, Egyptians, and Persians, gamers must battle through a variety of scenarios as they struggle to maintain control of Little Asia, Europe, and North Africa.

Combat is only a part of the game, and to keep armies happy in the field players must produce food, armor, and shelter for their boys in uniform. Each faction has its own strengths and weakness, such as the Persians ability to bring animals to battle, and gamers can upgrade their skills through research and development. Players who want a quick skirmish can select a side and then engage in a single mission.

Through a LAN or the Internet, gamers can challenge international competitors or neighborhood friends to an altered version of ancient history.Ancient Wars - Sparta is tactically riding the crest of popularity the film 300 conjured. Chronicling the plight of the Spartans centrally - but also the Persians and the Egyptians - although obviously their involvement in this specific conflict is especially detailed. In saying that there's plenty to wade through even though the Battle of Thermopylae is central to the game's forward thrust.Narrative aside - the story of the Battle of Thermopylae will always provoke interest - on the surface there's a lot about Ancient Wars - Sparta to be uninspired about. You're expected to construct a settlement, houses for your villagers, farms to feed them, barracks for your military units, etc.

There's nothing setting this apart from the usual paint-by-numbers approach to resource building, even the genre's heavyweights are built on the same foundations. The difference here being Sparta takes a standardized middle ground strategy toward resource management rather than the monolithic overwhelming experience seen in Supreme Commander. However, Supreme's gargantuan number of units was something of a pock on an otherwise un-blemished face. Ancient Wars - SpartaAncient Wars: Sparta has only three types of infantry, or so it may seem. While the number of on screen infantry doesn't compare favorably to Supreme Commander this is a much more intricate affair. Each soldier can be adjusted, equipped and reequipped to suit the situation at hand. Different weapons offer tactical advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation.

Give the unit (formally a peasant that transforms into a military unit once given a weapon) a long spear and a shield and he'll have the long distance attacking and a defensive capability. Or give him two short swords and he'll go on a frenzied attack-is-the-best-form-of-defense type rampage. In reality he'll be dropped fairly quickly, but not before making an impact.

The best type of unit depends on what job you need doing at that given time. Due to the number of weapons available the sheer volume of different units that can be created with different types of effectiveness is something to marvel at. The game lets you decide what works and what doesn't without a hold-your-hand tutorial. You can build a stable that produces horses, these only become cavalry once a soldier has been placed upon them, any soldier.However despite this massively in-depth unit tinkermanship (a great niche for developer World Forge) the game offers nothing like the tactical challenge you might expect.

Disappointingly, considering the potential, the conflict in Sparta falls into the vat of familiarity where the side with the most units wins. However this is where the future of RTS gaming lies, where each troop can be individually manipulated, where the way you equip your army is as important as how you use them in battle. Ancient Wars hasn't pulled this off, but it has laid a blueprint for other developers to build upon.Otherwise, Sparta is a pretty average, no-frills affair.

The game works, but on a basic level. The graphics are well below what we've grown to expect - offering an 'in close' perspective that makes it difficult to plan strategically, but does give visual detail to units. There's a waypoint system that displays objectives on the map, something Age of Empires did 10 years ago. The sound is bad and the AI is abominable in places; the repetitive nature of all NPCs drives you to distraction. You'll also lose units as they go on an illogical walkabout round the hills when a leisurely stroll down the path would suffice. Worst still as this carries through to the voice-overs that are repeated over and over with little by the way of variation.Unit pathfinding is not as bright as you might like either, with soldiers taking ineffective routes at times. The enemies meanwhile do not think through their actions at all, nor do they use any tactics more complicated than 'Charge!'


The multiplayer offers relief from the beyond-basic AI, but then with RTS games dripping out of our ears, Ancient Wars simply offers nothing more than any other game and indeed falls far short of the kind of experience offered by the big genre contenders. Although, in an attempt to rescue a small shred of dignity for the game, it must be noted that sea battles are quite pleasing to play, offering a nice change from land-based combat. Ancient Wars - SpartaThe three campaigns on offer, where you fight as one of the primary factions, are moderately well built, with a little bit of variety to discover as you progress. However, you soon fall into old routines of resource management, base building and churning out the warriors. Your army will grow with all the speed of a legless sloth, thanks to the interminable build times and the general sluggishness of the game mechanics.

This is acceptable if you enjoy taking your time, spending many hours on some battles, but most RTS devotees are used to more celeritous affairs, testing their nerves and quick-wittedness.Most importantly, ancient Sparta and Persia were not just common fighting forces. They were trained war machines, both unique and highly effective in what they did. Their leaders were cunning and clever, using mixed force armies and innovative tactical stratagems to accomplish their aims. The history books are full of astounding tales from these nations and Sparta in particular deserves an amazing game conversion after such a successful film adaptation - I'm sure many developers are out there right now, dreaming of exotic and wonderful ways in which to digitally realize the full glory of Sparta and its awe-inspiring people.

Yet playing Ancient Wars, you get no such feeling; it's as bland and by-the-numbers as any other generic RTS.Will you gain much enjoyment from Ancient Wars: Sparta? That depends on whether you play it for a simple RTS fix, or for the value of the civilizations and subject material it covers. For a brief play it serves a purpose well enough, but if you really want to get the most out of this exciting period of ancient combat then you'll want to wait until something more inspired comes along, because Ancient Wars is just a bit too spartan to give you the experience that you are hoping for.Some quality is salvaged through the navy battles, although this often feels like an add-on to the main game.

It's fun, but repetitive and worthy of little more than passing comment. Ancient Wars - SpartaGiven the intriguing nature of the narrative and the potential for development in such a plot, it's surprising to see such a bland title. 300 offered a glimpse of what could have been created with a little imagination and it is a shame that Ancient Wars - Sparta, despite the innovative unit management system, fails to deliver overall.People who downloaded Ancient Wars: Sparta have also downloaded:,©2020 San Pedro Software Inc. Contact:, done in 0.004 seconds.